April 8, 2013


    There are times when the glory of God's Presence fills us with energy and a clear plan of action. We spend time with Him, experience His touch, and go into the world with purpose. But when God chooses to overwhelm us -- and may those times always increase -- His glory immobilizes us. There can be no busyness or distractions when we are in utter awe. The fullness of His Presence commands complete attention -- not as an obligation but because there is no other choice. When He manifests Himself, we are silent and still.

    Even Moses, who had encountered God in so many dramatic ways, was unable to enter the Tabernacle when the cloud of glory filled it. Moses had entered the cloud of glory on Sinai before; apparently this time it was thicker, fuller, and more awesome than ever. God was making a statement: "I'm making a home among you, and I want your full attention."

    God's desire remains the same. The prescribed place of meeting is different--it's richer and more personal now-- but the zeal to dwell with us hasn't changed. That's why we can't be content with a few God-moments here and there or an occasional verse that gives us a lift or an insight. We need more. We need depth and intensity and passion. We need intimate encounters everyday. We need the experience of God in us, overflowing and obvious. We need to be immobilized in awe.

    If your spiritual life is stagnant, ask for this. Even if it's thriving, ask for this. God shows His glory to those who seek Him.

    Lord, I need a sense of awe. I need to walk in the weight of Your glory. Show me Your majesty. Give me a reason to be still and gaze at You. (excerpts from: The One Year Experiencing God's Presence Devotional/Chris Tiegreen)